Thursday, 30 April 2009

Tuesday morning I worked some more on my Tiger/women painting. I managed to paint quite alot quicker than I have in the last week and I managed to paint down from the shoulders, both front legs and then start painting part of the womens body and tried to make a good transition between the two halfs of the body. I struggled over finding the right colour for the body, first i went too yellow then to pink. However, I decided that I would make a base colour that was a pale pinky yellow and then went over it in a lighter version of the tigers fur.
This is how the body started to look after I did this and it also gave a more even transition between the two bodies joining.

Business card imagery

Tuesday afternoon I started to create ideas of what my business card could be. They are photographs taken from areas of my work though I may find a better image once I have comleted my last peace of work. I plan to send the final image off to an over night printers and have them done specially made and double-sided, image on the front, info on the back. Another idea that I plan to make a maquette of is to have a card of fur so that there is a direct link to the imagery and creatures I have created.

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

I did not paint very quickly on Monday. I had wanted to get alot of painting done this week but did not manage to work efficiently to target today. The painting i did do though i am very pleased with, and I am really liking the bright colours i am workig with. I plan to do alot more painting tomorrow, hopefully to reach the join between the two bodies or beyond that though trying to get a smooth transitio between them and finding a good skin colour to work with is going to be a challenge for tomorrow.

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Monday, 27 April 2009

Thursday, 23 April 2009

Charles Avery

I researched Charles Avery to look into his technique of installation and drawing and painting, the processes. I discovered that Avery does some strange sculptures of odd creatures and does sketches before hand with colour. This made me realise I really did not do much experimental work during my specialist Practice project, as I could have developed a lot more sketches in different styles: zoological, printing in old styles for the folklore link and even a more illustrative, diagram style of drawing like Jake has used from Archaeology.

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Tuesday morning i sent doing painting on my tiger/women. I painted more into what i had painted yesturday to improve areas of colour, and then carried on to the ear amd neck. In the Afternoon we had a meeting to decide on what the poster and invite designs would be. Everyone had designed their own poster designs and each one was put to a vote. We ended up with two designs that would go to Anna for last conformation. The two designs that were picked were the two Katy designed.

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Friday, 10 April 2009

Research for Poster Designs

From a Previous Tate Exhibition:

Invite and Flyer to Art Prive Private View:

You can see the Back of the Flyer by following this link:

A Photographers exhibition Private View Card/Poster:

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Post created by: Lynsey Mitten
Contains: The minuets for offical meeting Tuesday 31st March

Minutes for Meeting
Date: 31/03/2009
Time started: 1:40pm
Time finished: 2:52pm

Steve McPherson
HND 2: Abigal Ralph, Fai Zaini, Jake Hannaford, Janice Anjo, Kati Saqui, Lynsey Mitten, Nathan Huckel
Apologies for absence: Toni-Marie Donoghue, Samantha Mumbray, Karen Baxter

Chair: Fai Zaini
Minutes: Lynsey Mitten

Posters: JA: These agendas are just ours and added on to discuss from the BA meeting,
FZ: Hello, first agenda to now disscuss Finances
LM: Do we need o collect more money because the BA havent collected any.
SM: Have a direct meeting with the BA to discuss how they are going to collect money.
LM: They were very vague about it .
JA: Need to organise another meeting.
KS: In the meantime, can get together price list of printing and everyting before next meeting with BA.
FZ: For printing, etc?
KS: Yes, so it easier to work out how much everyone needs to put into the kitty.
SM: Quotes for various types of printing, how many do you need? was it a 1000 prints?
NH: The BA are very un-orgainised, if we get ourselfs organised then we just have to put it with them.
KS: what about posters?
SM: Not too little or big, won't be able to print too many, about A3 size max.
FZ: Anything else?
NH: Are we waiting to hear back from the BA before collecting anymore money or are we carrying on collecting?
JH: Wait, then we can split the money back.
KS: How much?
NH: Do we need any more? £10 a month?
SM: Don't leave very long.
LM: If we collect in the rest of the money owed, we shall have enough.

Progress with Poster designs
FZ: Next item is the progress with poster designs.
KS: Where can we put them?
SM: Have to go around to find out.Anna passed on to the meeting that you should all invite everyone we know to the private view, which means extra invites, do we need them? Have you corresponded with graphics?
NH: They are seperate, it's more joint with the Ba. Confused over the title as the BA have decided with the Graphics to have a name of 'Tea Party' but we disagree on that.
JA: Some of the BA not happy either.
NH: Yeah, it doesn't work well.
SM: It was disscussed last week of a two back to back card, which was dismissed as it would be confusing, but are you agreeing to have a joint one with ine image on front with title of BA & HND art show and details on the back? You have a week after easter to agree everything if you want to get it sent out in good time to all mailing lists.
NH: Not sure what graphics role is?
KS: They are having seperate everything to us.
Nh: It makes it very confusing.
SM: There should have been a mass meeting with everyone as if you want to have the invites sent out 3weeks before PV, you have just a week to get all done after the Holidays, or 2weeks before, which is enough, and it gives you an extra week to get all finalised, but the thing is, some of the mailing list have a tight schedule and if they have the card 2weeks before date, thay may not have time to fit in, so what is the best decision?
JA: Been discussing things at lunch, could have mock-up sandwich boards to walk through the town with to advertise as a poster alternative?
JH: Are we having black & white?
AR: The design is for black & white.
SM: The cost wont be much different but it depends on the design.
KS: Done a few designs with pictures form the internet iv played around with.
JA: Like top corner left: 'Chair' design.
KS: Copyright issues: take own image to work on? The one with the road leading away is like a journey? (Poster/invite design)
JH: I like the chair.
NH: Yeah it is effective, but simple.
SM: The chair and the light switch are like little prompts, its a prop, a prop like a wine glass is for celebrating. Everyone needs designs for file/blog, to come to a meeting with we can all look at.
KS: Come in extra day in Easter? Can take own Photos?
SM: The switch, could be covered in paint, part of an art studio, its a particular thing.
KS: Next meeting, are we all bringing in designs then?
SM: Need to have something to think about visually.
FZ: Need to finalise designs by next meeting?
KS: can you upload it too blog?
SM: Can you do voting? Ask sam too look at it.
NH: If anyone else has other ideas, upload it?
KS: If have trouble doing it, on my own blog?
LM: If you upload it to group blog and label it as Poster Designs, then they are all in one place.
KS: If we all come in and decide designs on the Essay hand in date, then we are all together to decide, bring your designs.
NH: Contact amsterdam people so they know.
SM: Once decision is made and printed, its just the case of mailing it off.
KS: So all come in, decide & proof level it, then we can get it finalised.
NH: Then the BA can't argue about it unless they get theirs done.
KS:If they don't have theirs done by next meeting, then they'v had their opportunity and its up to them.
JA: Could mention it to them, designs and meeting day.
KS: Logos?
FZ: We need to get logos from the College & Uni, colours of poster to work with the logos and correct measurements.
SM: All logos can go on the back, on the white side with the rest of the info.
KS: Fai, can you come in friday to design?
FZ: Yes, that should be ok.
JA: Time? 10:30?
SM: Only thing the design for postcard isn't same for poster, same image, but all info is on the same side, REMEMBER THIS.
FZ: Anything else?

Private View
JH: The college catering? &7.50 a head plus cleaning.
NH: Don't need that much, we arn't feeding them, but it'd be easier as it's split up between people, get cleaning, and serving?
SM: Make sure have all the details about it, David Burr.
NH: The BA wern't keen on it, they didn't really consider it or splitting the £7.50 a head over 3 people.
KS: Reckon rest of wine will be £70, but wiht the BA input, should be less.
NH: It would be more organised and setup, we can be more focused.
FZ: Agreed on location of PV?
KS: Redwall next to drama, Auditorium.
SM: all of the PV?
JH: Just the food.
NH: Be nice if could get the space up in the studios but probably not. Was considered for on the street?
SM: Wouldn't work, too detatched.
AR: Split between the 2 floors?
SM: then you are compromising both spaces
AR: Trays, trollies and waitering?
SM: Ask David.
JH: What is happeing with the graphic PV?
KS: Think it's seperate, not sure?
SM: In the double doors between the studios and the sculpture? Will need to get permission from Mark Howling. Health and safety issues? But you will need to block off the space.
FZ: A Marque outside?
KS: Cost of hire, weather, may not be ideal.
FZ: ok, Anything else? Next agenda.

Group Blog 'Dogs'
FZ: Group Blogging.
NH: 'The Dogs'? John's idea, not sure why this is our group name? it will change.
JA: From sam: to remember to blog.
SM: Can we send email to the blog? To add info, links I have to a business card website. I'll send it in an email. Anything else about the blog?
FZ: Is blogging done? Next agenda.

FZ: Any other business?
NH: Meeting Wednesday 8th then?
KS: Yes, and the friday to design with Fai.
FZ: I know some friends at uni who can advertise us on radio.
SM: good, advertising on college website?
NH: Could look into that?
AR: Is space going to be arranged soon? Estimate of works is 2 on wall per person.
SM: Not all may have a wall, may have a sculpture.
NH: Boarding stuff up so more board space. Do we need to know where the PV is guna be before the posters and invites are finalised?
AR: Could just put cant college?
KS: Use sinage, pointers toward the space.
FZ: Need to get on with the work and finalise info wen we can.
SM: Designs all need to be done then you can be free to complete work.
FZ: That everything? Meeting closed.

FZ: Meeting adjurned at 2:52pm