I started to draw onto the wood this morning, using the Birdman as a starting point and to use to experimant on materials as i already have the Birdman drawn out and done. Before I started the painting, I had to use the multi-surface primer (ESP) so that the oil paint would not just soak into the wood when i started painting and it would save time from doing an acrylic undercoating. After finally scalling the image onto the wood i primed it then carried on doing my experiment with drawing onto the abstracted painting while the ESP was drying.

I am really starting to like this mixture of painting and drawing, i think i would like to work with both this idea and the more realistic painting to give myself a wider perspective to work with. I started drawing more figures into the painting using charcoal, this time not making any mutations to the body as obvious as the Birdman i did previously. I think this adds to the abstractness of the painting and i may also explore using symbols in the painting as well. I think the painting needs more figures in the painting so that you cannot focus completley on individual figures. I hope to at least do one more of these paintings to work alongside at least 3 paintings on wood.

I spent the afternoon starting my painting. I wasnt sure what the painting was going to look like, what colour palette to use so i just launched into it and i am very pleased with the result so far. I didnt want to spend more time thinking about what i am going to do, i needed to just start being creative and i am quite pleased by the work i have done today. The wood painting is starting to look good and not that i can take a step back at the end of the day, i can see where i want this painting to go, i am going to continue painting the whole body and the wings, but i am going to get some feathers and collage them into the painting.