Monday, 9 February 2009

Today i decided i would work more on the abstract painting and what i would be doing with it, how i could take it forward as a piece of work or whether it was going to be a failed experiment, a dead end. As well as this, i got another piece of wood that had a nice textured pattern to work with, to do a painting on and depending on how this turns out, will decide what i am going to do with the image board.

I started out not very sure on how i was going to take forward the abstracted painting of inside the body as i originaly was going to do a painting in oil over the top of it or perhaps acrylic but then decided that this may take something away from the abstracted feel to the painting. I carried on though, choosing the birdman as the image i would use over the top and started to do a light sketch of it onto the canvas. During doing this though, i realised that a drawing maybe what the painting needed so i chose to use charcoal as it is easier to blend the image into the painting and really make it become a whole image.

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